Thursday, March 18, 2010

And now for something best of all; or, "!!!!!"

So I don't have the energy at this point to write a long post.

But if a picture is worth a thousand words, I think a

one . . .

two . . .

or three . . .

thousand word post would definitely be long enough, right?

Short story: Our surprise little miracle Baby Nib or Shallow Jr. is scheduled to arrive in October. We got the sonogram this morning and saw our little one and heard the heartbeat for the first time ever and I have to say it's kind of addicting and completely over-the-top amazing and we couldn't be more thrilled. We are thanking our Heavenly Father daily, hourly, and more for this blessing.

The other good news is that the crippling morning sickness I've been suffering with for the last month or so (I may or may not have lost about 10 pounds in that time) is responding VERY well to the new prescription they gave me (after the last prescription made it about ten times worse). I may even make it back to class for the last few weeks of my last semester!


  1. This is the best of the best news EVER! We were all rooting for you two/three. And from the land of completely bad analogies, it's like rooting for a team and feeling like you're a part of the magic when they win (except not like *that*). Anyway, I cannot think of two more deserving or wonderful people for this miracle to happen to, and I can't remember a time when I was THIS elated to hear about someone else's baby! HOORAY!!!

  2. Woohoo!Woohoo!Woohoo! and another Woohoo! for the decline of morning sickness. Woohoo!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! Crystal just told me your news so I had to come tell you how happy I am for you! What lovely news!
