Monday, August 9, 2010

Mixed bag; or, Potpourri.

So up until this point my pregnancy has been progressing pretty normally, except with more nausea and vomiting than I personally would care for. (Yeah, remember when I thought I liked the second trimester? Second trimester LIED. That was NOT a beautiful relationship.)

Apparently my body was just saving up the real drama, because after a ridiculous amount of poking and prodding and blood-drawing and other totally fun stuff (my poor arms have bruises inside both elbows from the six times they had to draw blood last week) it has been determined that I am anemic. And have gestational diabetes. And we're waiting to hear back on the preeclampsia thing.

Yeah. And yee-haw.

I'm not too worried at the moment—saving that for when there's actually a need to be worried—but I am annoyed. Wouldn't you know that the minute my time frees up to do some of that baking I've been wanting to do during the months of bar study that I'm suddenly not allowed to eat cookies and such anymore? Good grief.

But that anemia thing does explain the absolutely dead-beat, bone-tired, no energy thing. And the iron supplements have helped a lot with that. So that's something.

But the good news is that 1) we have a name for the kid. Which I will NOT be sharing on the internet. Which means I need to figure out an appropriate alias for him. Drat. More naming. Hm. 2) We've got a battle plan for the nursery and are actually getting some work done on it (still trying to decide if this plan will involve painting or not) and 3) the kid is getting big enough that I can feel all sorts of fun movement.

Luckily he hasn't figured out where my ribs are yet, and has turned around so he's not kicking any nerves anymore, so most of the movement is of the "whoa, cool" or "ARGH! That tickles!" variety. I admit that I have certain visuals for certain types of movement. Besides the Jackie Chan/ninja kicks and the punching bag moves, we also have the "squirrelly squirrel!" genre (mostly the first 15 seconds or so):

And what I like to refer to as his "stoutness exercises":

He also, today, did something that I swear felt like he sneezed. I guess he's doing his job to help me fight off the nasty cold that Shallow Man gave me. Thanks for the support, kiddo! (Also, it was just so dang cute. Love that little guy.)


  1. haha loved this post! I can't wait to hear the name! :)

  2. Call me if you want advice or just want to vent about gestational diabetes. I had it and it sucks!!!! I miss you guys so much. We thought I was preeclamptic until the daibetes was under control.

    Yea for deciding on a name for you little boy.

